Welcome to Djalgo's documentation! ================================== Djalgo is a Python toolkit for music composition. Crafted for musicians and developers alike, Djalgo offers a versatile collection of tools for generating and manipulating musical notes and sequences. Without relying directly on MIDI files, it employs a MIDI-compatible format, enabling users to define each note through a trio of attributes: pitch (in MIDI notation), duration, and offset from the beginning of the track. Whether you're scripting a symphony, experimenting with algorithms to create melodies, or exploring the mathematical beauty of music, Djalgo makes the art of digital composition accessible and engaging. Djalgo can run in the browser through `marimo notebooks `_, a reactive framework for Python. It also provides a score viewer and a music player. The name Djalgo was chosen after musician `Django Reinhardt `_, and a mix of *DJ* (disk jockey) and *algorithm*. Happy composing! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: :hidden: source/about source/user-guide source/api