import random
import numpy as np
class Chain:
A class representing a chain of sequences generated using random walks.
walk_range (list): The range of step choices for the random walk. Defaults to [-1, 0, 1].
walk_start (int): The starting position for the random walk. Defaults to the middle value of walk_range.
walk_probability (list or object): The probability distribution for choosing a step in the random walk.
Can be a list of step choices or a random variable object. Defaults to [-1, 0, 1].
branching_probability (float): The probability of branching at each step. Defaults to 0.0.
merging_probability (float): The probability of merging sequences with the same last value. Defaults to 0.0.
def __init__(self, walk_range=None, walk_start=None, walk_probability=None, round_to=None, branching_probability=0.0, merging_probability=0.0):
self.walk_range = walk_range
self.walk_start = walk_start if walk_start is not None else (self.walk_range[1] - self.walk_range[0]) // 2
self.walk_probability = walk_probability or [-1, 0, 1] # Default step choices
self.branching_probability = branching_probability
self.merging_probability = merging_probability
self.round_to = round_to
def generate(self, length, seed=None):
Generates a chain of sequences using random walks.
length (int): The length of each sequence in the chain. Defaults to 10.
seed (int): The seed value for the random number generator. Defaults to None.
list: A list of sequences generated using random walks.
self.length = length
sequences = [[self.walk_start]]
for _ in range(self.length - 1):
new_sequences = []
for seq in sequences:
if seq[-1] is not None: # Check if sequence is active
# Find the index of the last value in the scale
last_value = seq[-1]
if isinstance(self.walk_probability, list):
step = random.choice(self.walk_probability) # Choose a random step
elif hasattr(self.walk_probability, 'rvs'):
step = self.walk_probability.rvs() # Draw a sample and round to nearest integer
if self.round_to is not None:
step = round(step, self.round_to)
next_value = last_value + step # Calculate next index
# Handle boundary conditions for next_value
if self.walk_range is not None:
if next_value < self.walk_range[0]:
next_value = self.walk_range[0]
elif next_value > self.walk_range[1]:
next_value = self.walk_range[1]
# Branching decision
if random.random() < self.branching_probability:
# Create new branch with None values up to the current length
new_branch = [None for _ in range(len(seq))]
new_branch.append(next_value) # Start new branch from next value value
new_sequences.append(new_branch) # Add new branch
seq.append(next_value) # Continue current sequence with value value
seq.append(next_value) # Continue without branching with value value
# Handle merging
if random.random() < self.merging_probability:
unique_values = set(s[-1] for s in sequences if s[-1] is not None)
for value in unique_values:
value_seqs = [s for s in sequences if s[-1] == value]
if len(value_seqs) > 1:
# Keep the longest sequence, close others
longest_seq = max(value_seqs, key=len)
for s in value_seqs:
if s != longest_seq:
s[len(s):] = [None] * (self.length - len(s)) # Extend with None without overwriting last value
sequences.extend(new_sequences) # Incorporate new branches
# Ensure all sequences have proper length
for seq in sequences:
if len(seq) < self.length:
seq.extend([None] * (self.length - len(seq))) # Fill with None to reach desired length
return sequences # Return the updated sequences
class Kernel:
A class representing a kernel for generating sequences.
walk_around (float): The mean value around which the sequence will walk.
data (ndarray): The input data used for generating the sequence.
length_scale (float): The length scale parameter of the kernel.
amplitude (float): The amplitude parameter of the kernel.
def __init__(self, walk_around=0.0, length_scale=1.0, amplitude=1.0):
self.walk_around = walk_around
self.length_scale = length_scale
self.amplitude = amplitude
def rbf_kernel(self, dimension, length_scale):
Computes the radial basis function (RBF) kernel matrix.
dimension (int): The dimension of the kernel matrix.
length_scale (float): The length scale parameter of the kernel.
ndarray: The RBF kernel matrix.
covariance_matrix = np.zeros((dimension, dimension))
for i in range(dimension):
for j in range(dimension):
distance_squared = (i - j) ** 2
covariance_matrix[i, j] = np.exp(-distance_squared / (2 * length_scale ** 2))
return covariance_matrix
def generate(self, length=10, data=None, nsamples=1, seed=None):
Generates a sequence using the kernel.
length (int): The length of the sequence.
data (ndarray): The input data used for generating the sequence.
nsamples (int): The number of samples to generate.
seed (int): The seed value for random number generation.
list: The generated sequence.
self.length = length
if data is not None:
if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or data.ndim != 2 or data.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("data must be a two-dimensional NumPy array with two columns.")
if not (isinstance(self.length_scale, (float, int)) and self.length_scale > 0):
raise ValueError("length_scale must be a positive int or float.")
if not (isinstance(self.amplitude, (float, int)) and self.amplitude > 0):
raise ValueError("amplitude must be a positive int or float.")
if not (isinstance(nsamples, int) and nsamples > 0):
raise ValueError("nsamples must be a positive integer.") = data
if is None:
kernel_cov = self.walk_around + self.amplitude * self.rbf_kernel(dimension = self.length, length_scale = self.length_scale)
sequence = []
for _ in range(nsamples):
mean=np.repeat(self.walk_around, self.length),
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("It seems that scikit-learn is not installed. Please install it using pip install scikit-learn or using your favorite installer.")
x = np.linspace(0,[:, 0].max(), self.length)[:, np.newaxis]
kernel = self.amplitude * RBF(length_scale=self.length_scale) # , length_scale_bounds = (self.length_scale*0.9, self.length_scale*1.1)
gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, normalize_y=True, n_restarts_optimizer=10)[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), data[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1))
sequence = [
gp.sample_y(x, n_samples=nsamples).T.tolist()
return sequence
class CelestialBody:
Represents a celestial body in space.
distance (float): The distance of the celestial body from its parent body.
orbital_speed (float): The orbital speed of the celestial body.
phase (float, optional): The phase of the celestial body's orbit (default is 0).
moons (list, optional): A list of CelestialBody objects representing the moons of the celestial body (default is None).
def __init__(self, distance, orbital_speed, phase=0, moons=None):
Initializes a new instance of the CelestialBody class.
distance (float): The distance of the celestial body from its parent body.
orbital_speed (float): The orbital speed of the celestial body.
phase (float, optional): The phase of the celestial body's orbit (default is 0).
moons (list, optional): A list of CelestialBody objects representing the moons of the celestial body (default is None).
self.distance = distance
self.orbital_speed = orbital_speed
self.phase = phase
self.moons = moons if moons else []
def position(self, times):
Calculates the position of the celestial body at the given times.
times (array-like): An array-like object containing the times at which to calculate the position.
tuple: A tuple containing the x and y coordinates of the celestial body's position at the given times.
# Vectorize the position calculations
angles = self.orbital_speed * times + self.phase
x = self.distance * np.cos(angles)
y = self.distance * np.sin(angles)
return x, y
def simulate(self, times, parent_position=None):
Simulates the motion of the celestial body over the given times.
times (array-like): An array-like object containing the times at which to simulate the motion.
parent_position (tuple, optional): A tuple containing the x and y coordinates of the parent body's position (default is None).
list: A list of tuples representing the distances and angles of the celestial body at the given times.
if parent_position is None:
parent_position = (np.zeros_like(times), np.zeros_like(times))
x, y = self.position(times)
x_total = parent_position[0] + x
y_total = parent_position[1] + y
results = []
for moon in self.moons:
results.extend(moon.simulate(times, (x_total, y_total)))
if not self.moons:
distances = np.sqrt(x_total**2 + y_total**2)
angles = np.arctan2(y_total, x_total) * 180 / np.pi # Convert to degrees
return [(distances, angles % 360)] # Ensure angles are from 0 to 360
return results
class SolarSystem:
Represents a solar system.
planets (list): A list of celestial bodies in the solar system.
def __init__(self):
Initializes a new instance of the SolarSystem class.
self.planets = []
def add_planet(self, planet):
Adds a new planet to the solar system.
planet (CelestialBody): A CelestialBody object representing the planet to add.
def simulate(self, times):
Simulates the motion of all planets in the solar system.
times (list): A list of time points at which to simulate the motion.
list: A list of simulation results for all planets.
results = []
for planet in self.planets:
return results