Source code for djalgo.utils

[docs] def round_to_list(value, scale): """ Rounds the given value to the nearest value in the scale list. Args: value (float): The value to be rounded. scale (list): A list of values to round to. Returns: float: The value from the scale list that is closest to the given value. """ return min(scale, key=lambda x: abs(x - value))
[docs] def get_octave(midi_note): return midi_note // 12 - 1
[docs] def get_sharp(string): dict_flat = {'D-': 'C#', 'E-': 'D#', 'G-': 'F#', 'A-': 'G#', 'B-': 'A#'} if string in dict_flat.keys(): string = dict_flat[string] return string
[docs] def get_degree_from_pitch(pitch, scale_list, tonic_pitch): if isinstance(pitch, str): pitch = cde_to_midi(pitch) if isinstance(tonic_pitch, str): tonic_pitch = cde_to_midi(tonic_pitch) tonic_index = scale_list.index(tonic_pitch) # If the pitch is in the mode if pitch in scale_list: # Find its index and compute the degree pitch_index = scale_list.index(pitch) degree = pitch_index - tonic_index else: # If the pitch is not in the mode, find the two pitches it falls between upper_pitch = round_to_list(pitch, scale_list) upper_index = scale_list.index(upper_pitch) lower_index = upper_index - 1 if upper_index > 0 else upper_index lower_pitch = scale_list[lower_index] # Compute the degree as the weighted average of the degrees of the two pitches distance_to_upper = upper_pitch - pitch distance_to_lower = pitch - lower_pitch upper_weight = 1 - distance_to_upper / (distance_to_upper + distance_to_lower) lower_weight = 1 - distance_to_lower / (distance_to_upper + distance_to_lower) upper_degree = upper_index - tonic_index lower_degree = lower_index - tonic_index degree = upper_degree * upper_weight + lower_degree * lower_weight return degree
[docs] def get_pitch_from_degree(degree, scale_list, tonic_pitch): tonic_index = scale_list.index(tonic_pitch) pitch_index = round(tonic_index + degree) # round to nearest integer # If the degree is within the scale if 0 <= pitch_index < len(scale_list): pitch = scale_list[pitch_index] else: # If the degree is not within the scale, find the two pitches it falls between lower_index = max(0, min(pitch_index, len(scale_list) - 1)) upper_index = min(len(scale_list) - 1, max(pitch_index, 0)) lower_pitch = scale_list[lower_index] upper_pitch = scale_list[upper_index] # Compute the pitch as the weighted average of the two pitches distance_to_upper = upper_index - pitch_index distance_to_lower = pitch_index - lower_index if distance_to_upper + distance_to_lower == 0: upper_weight = lower_weight = 0.5 else: upper_weight = 1 - distance_to_upper / (distance_to_upper + distance_to_lower) lower_weight = 1 - distance_to_lower / (distance_to_upper + distance_to_lower) pitch = upper_pitch * upper_weight + lower_pitch * lower_weight return pitch
[docs] def set_offsets_according_to_durations(notes): """ Adjusts the offsets of the notes based on their durations. Args: notes (list): A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a note (pitch), a duration (quarterLength), and an offset. Returns: list: The list of notes with adjusted offsets. """ if len(notes[0]) == 2: notes = [(note[0], note[1], 0) for note in notes] adjusted_notes = [] current_offset = 0 for pitch, duration, _ in notes: adjusted_notes.append((pitch, duration, current_offset)) current_offset += duration return adjusted_notes
[docs] def fill_gaps_with_rests(notes, parent_offset=0.0): """ Analyze a sorted list of notes (each note is a (pitch, duration, offset) tuple) and insert rests (None, duration, offset) to fill gaps between notes. Notes are sorted by offset before processing to ensure accurate gap detection and filling. Args: notes (list): The list of notes to be processed, not necessarily sorted. parent_offset (float): The offset to consider from the parent sequence, used in recursion. Returns: list: The modified list with gaps filled with rests, ensuring continuity. """ # Sort notes by offset to ensure correct processing order notes_sorted = sorted(notes, key=lambda x: x[2]) last_offset = 0.0 # Keep track of the offset after the last note or rest filled_notes = [] for note in notes_sorted: pitch, duration, offset = note current_offset = parent_offset + offset if current_offset > last_offset: # There is a gap that needs to be filled with a rest gap_duration = current_offset - last_offset rest_to_insert = (None, gap_duration, last_offset - parent_offset) filled_notes.append(rest_to_insert) # Insert the rest to fill the gap filled_notes.append(note) last_offset = max(last_offset, current_offset + duration) # Update last offset for the next iteration return filled_notes
[docs] def adjust_note_durations_to_prevent_overlaps(notes): """ Adjust the durations of notes in a list (each note is a (pitch, duration, offset) tuple) to prevent overlaps, while keeping their offsets intact. Args: notes (list): The list of notes to be adjusted. Returns: list: The modified list with adjusted note durations. """ # Ensure the list is sorted by offset notes.sort(key=lambda note: note[2]) for i in range(len(notes) - 1): # Loop through all notes except the last one current_note = notes[i] next_note = notes[i + 1] # Calculate the current end of the note current_note_end = current_note[2] + current_note[1] # If the current note ends after the next note starts, adjust its duration if current_note_end > next_note[2]: # Adjust duration to avoid overlap new_duration = next_note[2] - current_note[2] notes[i] = (current_note[0], new_duration, current_note[2]) return notes
[docs] def repair_notes(s: list) -> list: """ Apply the fill_gaps_with_rests and adjust_note_durations_to_prevent_overlaps functions to a stream. Args: s (stream.Stream): The music21 stream to be processed. Returns: stream.Stream: The modified stream with gaps filled and note durations adjusted. """ return adjust_note_durations_to_prevent_overlaps(fill_gaps_with_rests(s))
[docs] def cde_to_midi(pitch): # Mapping of note names to MIDI numbers with sharps pitches = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] flat_to_sharp = { 'Db': 'C#', 'Eb': 'D#', 'Gb': 'F#', 'Ab': 'G#', 'Bb': 'A#', 'Cb': 'B', # Special handling for 'Cb', converting it directly to 'B' } octave = 4 # Default octave if not specified in the pitch string # Check and convert flat notes to sharp notes if 'b' in pitch: note = pitch[:-1] # Exclude the octave number if present if note in flat_to_sharp: pitch = flat_to_sharp[note] + pitch[-1] # Append the octave number back if it was present # Extract the note (with sharp) and octave from the pitch if len(pitch) > 2 or pitch[1].isdigit(): note, octave = pitch[:-1], int(pitch[-1]) else: note = pitch[0] midi = 12 * (octave + 1) + pitches.index(note) return midi
[docs] def midi_to_cde(midi): # Mapping of MIDI numbers to note names pitches = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] octave = midi // 12 - 1 key = midi % 12 pitch = pitches[key] + str(octave) return pitch
[docs] def no_overlap(notes, adjust='offsets'): """ Adjusts the offsets of the notes to prevent overlap. Args: notes (list): A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a note (pitch), a duration (quarterLength), and an offset. Returns: list: The list of notes with adjusted offsets or durations. """ adjusted_notes = [] current_offset = 0 for pitch, duration, _ in notes: adjusted_notes.append((pitch, duration, current_offset)) current_offset += duration return adjusted_notes
[docs] def check_input(input_list): """ Checks if the input is a list of simple elements or a list of tuples. Args: input_list (list): The input to check. Returns: str: 'list' if the input is a list of simple elements, 'list of tuples' if the input is a list of tuples, 'unknown' otherwise. """ if all(isinstance(i, tuple) for i in input_list): return 'list of tuples' elif all(not isinstance(i, tuple) for i in input_list): return 'list' else: return 'unknown'
[docs] def scale_list(numbers, to_min, to_max, min_numbers=None, max_numbers=None): """ Scale a list of numbers so that its range is between min_value and max_value. Args: numbers (list): List of numbers to scale. min_value (float): Minimum value of the scaled list. max_value (float): Maximum value of the scaled list. Returns: list: Scaled list of numbers. """ if min_numbers is None: min_numbers = min(numbers) if max_numbers is None: max_numbers = max(numbers) if min_numbers == max_numbers: return [(min_numbers + max_numbers) / 2] * len(numbers) else: return [(num - min_numbers) * (to_max - to_min) / (max_numbers - min_numbers) + to_min for num in numbers]
[docs] def offset_track(track, by): """ Offset the notes in a list by a given amount. Args: track (list): List of notes to offset. by (float): Amount to offset the notes. Returns: list: List of notes with adjusted offsets. """ return [(pitch, duration, offset + by) for pitch, duration, offset in track]
[docs] def quantize_notes(notes, measure_length, time_resolution): """ Quantize the durations and offsets of notes in musical phrases. Args: notes (list): List of musical phrases, where each phrase is a list of tuples (pitch, duration, offset). measure_length (float): The total duration of a measure, typically in quarter notes. time_resolution (float): The smallest time unit for quantization, typically in quarter notes. Returns: list: The quantized musical phrases. """ quantized_notes = [] for note in notes: pitch, duration, offset = note quantized_offset = round(offset / time_resolution) * time_resolution measure_end = ((quantized_offset // measure_length) + 1) * measure_length quantized_duration = round(duration / time_resolution) * time_resolution quantized_duration = min(quantized_duration, measure_end - quantized_offset) quantized_notes.append((pitch, quantized_duration, quantized_offset)) quantized_notes = [note for note in quantized_notes if note[1] > 0] # remove notes with zero duration return quantized_notes
[docs] def find_closest_pitch_at_measure_start(notes, measure_length): """ Finds the closest pitch at the beginning of each measure. Args: notes (list of tuples): A list of tuples where each tuple is (pitch, duration, offset). measure_length (float): The length of a measure. Returns: list: A list of pitches, each representing the closest pitch at the start of a measure. """ # Filter out notes with None offset or pitch notes = [note for note in notes if note[2] is not None and note[0] is not None] # Sort the notes by offset to ensure they are in order notes_sorted_by_offset = sorted(notes, key=lambda x: x[2]) # Find the maximum offset to determine how many measures we have max_offset = max(notes_sorted_by_offset, key=lambda x: x[2])[2] num_measures = int(max_offset // measure_length) + 1 closest_pitches = [] for measure_num in range(num_measures): measure_start = measure_num * measure_length closest_pitch = None closest_distance = float('inf') for pitch, duration, offset in notes_sorted_by_offset: # Calculate the distance from the start of the measure to the note's offset distance = measure_start - offset # If the note starts before the measure and is closer than any note we've looked at before if distance >= 0 and distance < closest_distance: closest_distance = distance closest_pitch = pitch # If we've passed the current measure start, we can break out of the loop if offset > measure_start: break if closest_pitch is not None: closest_pitches.append(closest_pitch) return closest_pitches
[docs] def tune(pitch, scale): """ Adjust the pitch of a note to the nearest pitch within the given scale. Args: pitch (int): a MIDI pitch number to tune. scale (list): A list of pitches Returns: pitch: A tuned MIDI pitch number. """ return min(scale, key=lambda x: abs(x - pitch))
[docs] def ql_to_seconds(ql, bpm): """ Convert a duration in quarter-length units to seconds. Args: ql (float): Duration in quarter-length units. bpm (float): Beats per minute. Returns: float: Duration in seconds. """ return 60 / bpm * ql
[docs] def fibonacci(a = 0, b = 1, base = 0, scale = 1): """ Generate a Fibonacci iterator. This function generates a Fibonacci iterator that yields the next Fibonacci number in the sequence. Args: a (int): The first number in the Fibonacci sequence (default is 0). b (int): The second number in the Fibonacci sequence (default is 1). base (int): The base value to be added to each Fibonacci number (default is 0). scale (int): The scale factor to be multiplied with each Fibonacci number (default is 1). Yields: int: The next Fibonacci number in the sequence. """ while True: yield base + scale * a a, b = b, a + b
# Instrument mapping (from instrument_mapping = { 'Acoustic Grand Piano': 0, 'Bright Acoustic Piano': 1, 'Electric Grand Piano': 2, 'Honky-tonk Piano': 3, 'Electric Piano 1': 4, 'Electric Piano 2': 5, 'Harpsichord': 6, 'Clavinet': 7, 'Celesta': 8, 'Glockenspiel': 9, 'Music Box': 10, 'Vibraphone': 11, 'Marimba': 12, 'Xylophone': 13, 'Tubular Bells': 14, 'Dulcimer': 15, 'Drawbar Organ': 16, 'Percussive Organ': 17, 'Rock Organ': 18, 'Church Organ': 19, 'Reed Organ': 20, 'Accordion': 21, 'Harmonica': 22, 'Tango Accordion': 23, 'Acoustic Guitar (nylon)': 24, 'Acoustic Guitar (steel)': 25, 'Electric Guitar (jazz)': 26, 'Electric Guitar (clean)': 27, 'Electric Guitar (muted)': 28, 'Overdriven Guitar': 29, 'Distortion Guitar': 30, 'Guitar Harmonics': 31, 'Acoustic Bass': 32, 'Electric Bass (finger)': 33, 'Electric Bass (pick)': 34, 'Fretless Bass': 35, 'Slap Bass 1': 36, 'Slap Bass 2': 37, 'Synth Bass 1': 38, 'Synth Bass 2': 39, 'Violin': 40, 'Viola': 41, 'Cello': 42, 'Contrabass': 43, 'Tremolo Strings': 44, 'Pizzicato Strings': 45, 'Orchestral Harp': 46, 'Timpani': 47, 'String Ensemble 1': 48, 'String Ensemble 2': 49, 'Synth Strings 1': 50, 'Synth Strings 2': 51, 'Choir Aahs': 52, 'Voice Oohs': 53, 'Synth Choir': 54, 'Orchestra Hit': 55, 'Trumpet': 56, 'Trombone': 57, 'Tuba': 58, 'Muted Trumpet': 59, 'French Horn': 60, 'Brass Section': 61, 'Synth Brass 1': 62, 'Synth Brass 2': 63, 'Soprano Sax': 64, 'Alto Sax': 65, 'Tenor Sax': 66, 'Baritone Sax': 67, 'Oboe': 68, 'English Horn': 69, 'Bassoon': 70, 'Clarinet': 71, 'Piccolo': 72, 'Flute': 73, 'Recorder': 74, 'Pan Flute': 75, 'Blown bottle': 76, 'Shakuhachi': 77, 'Whistle': 78, 'Ocarina': 79, 'Lead 1 (square)': 80, 'Lead 2 (sawtooth)': 81, 'Lead 3 (calliope)': 82, 'Lead 4 (chiff)': 83, 'Lead 5 (charang)': 84, 'Lead 6 (voice)': 85, 'Lead 7 (fifths)': 86, 'Lead 8 (bass + lead)': 87, 'Pad 1 (new age)': 88, 'Pad 2 (warm)': 89, 'Pad 3 (polysynth)': 90, 'Pad 4 (choir)': 91, 'Pad 5 (bowed)': 92, 'Pad 6 (metallic)': 93, 'Pad 7 (halo)': 94, 'Pad 8 (sweep)': 95, 'FX 1 (rain)': 96, 'FX 2 (soundtrack)': 97, 'FX 3 (crystal)': 98, 'FX 4 (atmosphere)': 99, 'FX 5 (brightness)': 100, 'FX 6 (goblins)': 101, 'FX 7 (echoes)': 102, 'FX 8 (sci-fi)': 103, 'Sitar': 104, 'Banjo': 105, 'Shamisen': 106, 'Koto': 107, 'Kalimba': 108, 'Bagpipe': 109, 'Fiddle': 110, 'Shanai': 111, 'Tinkle Bell': 112, 'Agogo': 113, 'Steel Drums': 114, 'Woodblock': 115, 'Taiko Drum': 116, 'Melodic Tom': 117, 'Synth Drum': 118, 'Reverse Cymbal': 119, 'Guitar Fret Noise': 120, 'Breath Noise': 121, 'Seashore': 122, 'Bird Tweet': 123, 'Telephone Ring': 124, 'Helicopter': 125, 'Applause': 126, 'Gunshot': 127, }