import random
import numpy as np
from . import utils
import itertools
def isorhythm(pitches, durations):
Merges durations and pitches until both ends coincide, then sets offsets according to successive durations.
pitches (list): The first list.
durations (list): The second list.
list: A list of notes.
if isinstance(pitches[0], tuple):
pitches = [p[0] for p in pitches]
lcm = np.lcm(len(pitches), len(durations))
p_repeated = (pitches * (lcm // len(pitches)))[:lcm]
d_repeated = (durations * (lcm // len(durations)))[:lcm]
o = [1] * lcm
notes = list(zip(p_repeated, d_repeated, o))
notes = utils.set_offsets_according_to_durations(notes)
return notes
def beatcycle(pitches, durations):
Pitches are mapped to durations in a cyclical manner, then offsets are set according to successive durations.
pitches (list): The first list.
durations (list): The second list.
list: A list of notes.
durations_cycle = itertools.cycle(durations)
notes = []
current_offset = 0
for p in pitches:
d = next(durations_cycle)
notes.append((p, d, current_offset))
current_offset += d
return notes
class Rhythm:
A class used to represent a Rhythm.
measure_length (int): the length of the measure
durations (list): the durations of the notes
def __init__(self, measure_length, durations):
Constructs all the necessary attributes for the Rhythm object.
measure_length (int): the length of the measure
durations (list): the durations of the notes
self.measure_length = measure_length
self.durations = durations
def random(self, seed=None, rest_probability=0, max_iter=100):
Generate a random rhythm as a list of (duration, offset) tuples.
duration (list): List of possible durations.
measure_length (float): Total length of the measure.
rest_probability (float): Probability of a rest (i.e., removing a tuple).
max_iter (int): Maximum number of iterations to generate the rhythm.
list: List of (duration, offset) tuples representing the rhythm.
rhythm = []
total_length = 0.0
n_iter = 0
while total_length < self.measure_length:
if n_iter >= max_iter:
print('Max iterations reached. The sum of the durations is not equal to the measure length.')
break # Avoid infinite loops
d = random.choice(self.durations)
if total_length + d > self.measure_length:
if random.random() < rest_probability:
rhythm.append((d, total_length))
total_length += d
n_iter += 1
return rhythm
def darwin(self, seed=None, population_size=10, max_generations=50, mutation_rate=0.1):
Executes the Darwinian evolution algorithm to generate the best rhythm.
seed (int): The random seed for reproducibility.
population_size (int): The number of rhythms in each generation.
max_generations (int): The maximum number of generations to evolve.
mutation_rate (float): The probability of mutating a given rhythm.
list: The best rhythm found after the last generation, sorted by ascending offset.
ga = GeneticRhythm(seed, population_size, self.measure_length, max_generations, mutation_rate, self.durations)
best_rhythm = ga.generate()
return best_rhythm
class GeneticRhythm:
def __init__(self, seed, population_size, measure_length, max_generations, mutation_rate, durations):
Initializes a Rhythm Genetic Algorithm instance.
population_size (int): The number of rhythms in each generation.
measure_length (int): The total length of the rhythm to be generated.
max_generations (int): The maximum number of generations to evolve.
mutation_rate (float): The probability of mutating a given rhythm.
durations (list): List of possible note durations.
self.population_size = population_size
self.measure_length = measure_length
self.max_generations = max_generations
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.durations = durations
self.population = self.initialize_population()
def initialize_population(self):
"""Initializes a population of random rhythms."""
population = []
for _ in range(self.population_size):
rhythm = self.create_random_rhythm()
return population
def create_random_rhythm(self):
Creates a random rhythm ensuring it respects the measure length and has no overlapping notes.
list: A list of (duration, offset) tuples representing the rhythm.
rhythm = []
total_length = 0
while total_length < self.measure_length:
remaining = self.measure_length - total_length
note_length = random.choice(self.durations)
if note_length <= remaining:
rhythm.append((note_length, total_length))
total_length += note_length
return rhythm
def evaluate_fitness(self, rhythm):
Evaluates the fitness of a rhythm based on how close it is to the total measure length.
rhythm (list): The rhythm to evaluate, represented as a list of (duration, offset) tuples.
int: The fitness score of the rhythm.
total_length = sum(note[0] for note in rhythm) # Use note[0] for duration
return abs(self.measure_length - total_length)
def select_parents(self):
Selects two parents for reproduction using a simple random selection approach.
tuple: Two selected parent rhythms for crossover.
parent1 = random.choice(self.population)
parent2 = random.choice(self.population)
return parent1 if self.evaluate_fitness(parent1) < self.evaluate_fitness(parent2) else parent2
def crossover(self, parent1, parent2):
Performs crossover between two parent rhythms to produce a new child rhythm.
parent1 (list): The first parent rhythm.
parent2 (list): The second parent rhythm.
list: The new child rhythm generated from the parents.
crossover_point = random.randint(1, len(parent1) - 1)
child = parent1[:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]
return self.ensure_measure_length(child)
def ensure_measure_length(self, rhythm):
Ensures that the rhythm respects the measure length, adjusting if necessary.
rhythm (list): The rhythm to check and adjust.
list: The adjusted rhythm.
total_length = sum(note[0] for note in rhythm) # Changed to note[0] for duration since we're working with (duration, offset) now
if total_length > self.measure_length:
rhythm.pop() # Remove the last note if the total duration exceeds the measure length
return rhythm
def mutate(self, rhythm):
Performs a mutation on a rhythm with a certain probability, ensuring no note overlap.
rhythm (list): The rhythm to mutate.
list: The mutated rhythm.
if random.random() < self.mutation_rate:
index = random.randint(0, len(rhythm) - 2) # Avoid mutating the last note for simplicity
duration, offset = rhythm[index]
next_offset = self.measure_length if index == len(rhythm) - 1 else rhythm[index + 1][1]
max_new_duration = next_offset - offset
new_durations = [d for d in self.durations if d <= max_new_duration]
if new_durations:
new_duration = random.choice(new_durations)
rhythm[index] = (new_duration, offset)
return rhythm
def generate(self):
Executes the genetic algorithm, evolving the rhythms over generations.
list: The best rhythm found after the last generation, sorted by ascending offset.
for generation in range(self.max_generations):
new_population = []
for _ in range(self.population_size):
parent1 = self.select_parents()
parent2 = self.select_parents()
child = self.crossover(parent1, parent2)
child = self.mutate(child)
child_sorted = sorted(child, key=lambda x: x[1]) # x[1] est l'offset dans le tuple (duration, offset)
self.population = new_population
best_rhythm = min(self.population, key=self.evaluate_fitness)
best_rhythm_sorted = sorted(best_rhythm, key=lambda x: x[1]) # Trier par offset ascendant
return best_rhythm_sorted