import copy
import random
from .analysis import Index
class Darwin:
def __init__(
self, initial_phrases, mutation_rate=0.05, population_size=50,
scale=None, measure_length = 4, time_resolution=[0.125, 4],
weights = None, targets=None, seed=None
Initialize the Darwin class for evolving musical phrases.
initial_phrases (list): List of initial musical phrases, each a list of tuples (pitch, duration, offset).
index_weights (dict): Weights for each musical aspect ('gini', 'balance', 'motif', 'dissonance').
mutation_rate (float): Probability of mutation per attribute in a phrase.
population_size (int): Number of phrases in each generation.
scale (list): List of pitches considered harmonious or in-scale; used for dissonance calculation.
if mutation_probabilities:
self.mutation_probabilities = mutation_probabilities
self.mutation_probabilities = {
'pitch': lambda: random.choice(self.scale),
'duration': lambda: random.choice(self.possible_durations),
'rest': lambda: None if random.random() < 0.02 else 1 # 2% chance of a rest
self.population = [self.mutate(phrase, rate=0) for phrase in initial_phrases for _ in range(population_size // len(initial_phrases))]
self.weights = weights
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.population_size = population_size
self.scale = scale
self.measure_length = measure_length
self.time_resolution = time_resolution
if self.time_resolution[1] > self.measure_length:
print("Warning: Max duration exceeds measure length. Decreasing max duration to measure length.")
self.time_resolution[1] = self.measure_length
all_durations = [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8]
self.possible_durations = [d for d in all_durations if self.time_resolution[0] <= d <= self.time_resolution[1]]
# Set the weights and targets for each metric are set to default values if not provided
if weights is None:
self.weights = {
'gini': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'balance': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'motif': (10.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'dissonance': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'rhythmic': (0, 10.0, 0),
'rest': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self.weights = weights
if targets is None:
self.targets = {
'gini': (0.05, 0.5, 0.0), # Example targets; adjust as needed
'balance': (0.1, 0.1, 0.0),
'motif': (1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
'dissonance': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'rhythmic': (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), # Assuming rhythmic applies to duration
'rest': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # rests are None pitches
self.targets = targets
if seed is not None:
self.best_individuals = [] # List to store the best individual of each generation
self.best_scores = []
def calculate_fitness_components(self, phrase):
Calculate the fitness components based on the Index class for a given phrase.
phrase (list): The musical phrase.
dict: A dictionary containing the fitness components ('gini', 'balance', 'motif', 'dissonance', 'rhythmic').
fitness_components = {}
# Split the phrase into its components
pitches, durations, offsets = zip(*phrase)
# Gini coefficient for pitch and duration
fitness_components['gini_pitch'] = Index(pitches).gini()
fitness_components['gini_duration'] = Index(durations).gini()
# Balance for pitch and duration
fitness_components['balance_pitch'] = Index(pitches).balance()
fitness_components['balance_duration'] = Index(durations).balance()
# Motif for pitch and duration (and potentially offsets if applicable)
fitness_components['motif_pitch'] = Index(pitches).motif()
fitness_components['motif_duration'] = Index(durations).motif() # Add this if you're analyzing motifs in durations too
# Dissonance, only applicable to pitches
if self.scale is not None:
fitness_components['dissonance_pitch'] = Index(pitches).dissonance(self.scale)
# Rhythmic fit based on durations
# Note: Here, I am assuming you have a method in Index class for rhythm analysis. Adjust if necessary.
fitness_components['rhythmic'] = Index(durations).rhythmic(self.measure_length) # Adjust method as needed
# gini and balance for offsets?
#fitness_components['gini_offset'] = Index(offsets).gini() # Add if relevant
#fitness_components['balance_offset'] = Index(offsets).balance() # Add if relevant
# Calculate the proportion of rest notes (notes where pitch is None)
rest_notes = [note for note in phrase if note[0] is None]
total_notes = len(phrase)
rest_proportion = len(rest_notes) / total_notes if total_notes > 0 else 0
fitness_components['rest'] = rest_proportion
return fitness_components
def fitness(self, phrase):
Calculate the fitness of a phrase based on how closely it meets the desired musical metrics targets.
phrase (list): Musical phrase.
float: Fitness score of the phrase.
fitness_score = 0.0
components = self.calculate_fitness_components(phrase)
# Iterate through each metric and calculate the contribution to fitness
for metric, (pitch_target, duration_target, offset_target) in self.targets.items():
for i, component in enumerate(['pitch', 'duration', 'offset']):
actual_value = components.get(f"{metric}_{component}", 0)
target_value = (pitch_target, duration_target, offset_target)[i]
weight = self.weights[metric][i]
# Calculate the similarity from the target (only if there is a target)
if target_value is not None and weight > 0: # Ensure there's a target and weight for this component
similarity = 1 - abs(actual_value - target_value) / (target_value if target_value != 0 else 1)
fitness_score += max(0, similarity) * weight # Apply weight and ensure non-negative score
return fitness_score
def mutate(self, phrase, rate=None, rest_rate=0.02):
Mutate a musical phrase while respecting musical structures and boundaries.
if rate is None:
rate = self.mutation_rate
new_phrase = []
total_offset = 0 # Track total offset for alignment
for note in phrase:
pitch, duration, offset = note
# Mutate pitch, duration, and rest based on mutation probabilities
new_pitch = self.mutation_probabilities['pitch']() if random.random() < rate else pitch
new_duration = self.mutation_probabilities['duration']() if random.random() < rate else duration
new_rest = self.mutation_probabilities['rest']()
# Align offsets based on sequential order, ensuring notes/rests align with previous ones
new_offset = total_offset
total_offset += new_duration # Increment total offset by new duration
# Append the new note or rest to the phrase
new_phrase.append((new_pitch if new_rest else None, new_duration, new_offset))
return new_phrase
def select(self, k=25):
Select top-k phrases based on fitness.
k (int): Number of top phrases to select.
list: Top k musical phrases.
# Evaluate the fitness of each phrase in the population
fitness_scores = [(phrase, for phrase in self.population]
# Sort the phrases by their fitness scores in descending order
sorted_phrases = sorted(fitness_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Select the top-k phrases
selected_phrases = [phrase for phrase, score in sorted_phrases[:k]]
return selected_phrases
def crossover(self, parent1, parent2):
Combine two phrases to create a new phrase.
parent1, parent2 (list): Parent phrases.
list: New musical phrase generated from parents.
# Cut points for the crossover
cut1, cut2 = sorted(random.sample(range(len(parent1)), 2))
# Create new phrase by combining parts of the parent phrases
new_phrase = parent1[:cut1] + parent2[cut1:cut2] + parent1[cut2:]
return new_phrase
def evolve(self, k=25, rest_rate=0.02):
Evolve the population of phrases through selection, crossover, and mutation.
k (int): Number of phrases to select for the next generation.
# Selection based on fitness
selected_phrases =
# Store the best individual and its fitness score
# Crossover and mutation to create a new generation
new_population = []
while len(new_population) < self.population_size:
parent1, parent2 = random.sample(selected_phrases, 2)
parent1 = copy.deepcopy(parent1)
parent2 = copy.deepcopy(parent2)
child = self.crossover(parent1, parent2)
mutated_child = self.mutate(child, rest_rate=rest_rate)
self.population = new_population